FUR_tilize @ Evolutionaries, MU
11.12.20–09.05.21 EINDHOVEN
Show Evolutionaries offers a thrilling survey of the complex ways in which our shared concepts of nature, identity, culture and all that is living are fluid and in flux. Bio art and design, as practiced by this talented pool of international artists, take on the vastness of our polluted seas as well as the disquiet of the souls sensitive to the weight of collective injustice. To the well-tuned ear their work cries for revolution and evolution simultaneously.

Next to the winning artists & scientists of this year's Bio Art & Design competition - Dasha Tsapenko & Han Wösten (University Utrecht), Nadine Botha & Henry de Vries (Amsterdam UMC) and Sissel Marie Tonn & Heather Leslie (VU) & Juan Garcia Valejo (Amsterdam UMC, location VUmc) - nine winning artists from previous BAD editions are represented.

Role: partaking designer
Commisioner: Bio Ar t& Design Award
Location: MU Hybrid Art House, Eindhoven, NL
Collaborators: Han Wosten, Utrecht University

-> https://mu.nl/en/exhibitions/evolutionaries

Photocredits: Hanneke Wetzer