MYCouture @ Hyundai Motorstudio
27.04.22–28.08.22 BEJING

Based on the Hyundai Blue Prize Art+Tech 2022 theme Disruptive Futures, curator Diane Xing rethinks the role of disruptive technologies, thereby envisioning possibilities for the future. The exhibition Balcony of the Brave: Nutrition, Materials, and Future Ecology presents cross-sections of the lives of those who showed bravery when facing and overcoming challenges, and the balcony offers a technological and ecological platform through which visitors can readily participate in discussions about the future of life and the relationship between mankind and nature. The exhibition consists of four sections - nutrition converters, material makers, garden planters, and stargazers – all presented from a distinctive perspective.

Role: partaking designer
Commisioner: Hyundai Motorstudio Beijing
Collaborators: Han Wosten, Utrecht University
Location: Hyundai Motorstudio Beijing, CH

Photocredits: Courtesy of Hyundai Motorstudio Beijing